Classrooms' Reservations

As of 2025-02-17, classrooms' reservations in the Břehová and Trojanová buildings are made in one of the following ways:

  1. via the calendar in Exchange online (Office 365) with the classroom assignment ... can be used for any events taking place in the FNSPE buildings (the procedure is given below).
    Classrooms: Břehová, Trojanova;
  2. via the KOS ... can be used for study-related events, e.g. for exam dates and one-off events.

Technical note: newly inserted events are synchronized every 5 minutes (possible collisions are only visible in the calendar. Both participants will be informed about the collision by email). Deleted events are synchronized once an hour.

How to reserve the classroom via the Exchange/Outlook calendar

  1. The applicant (the FNSPE employee) creates a new event on their calendar by entering:
    • Event name (example: XY Conference, 00ABC Exam,...),
    • date and time of the event start + end,
    • room (list of room names). If the room shows "Nemám čas" (no available), then the request conflicts with another event; then you need to select another room or choose another date.
    Optionally, you can add e-mail addresses of other participants (they will receive an e-mail invitation) or add a note.
  2. The applicant saves the event, thus the room is "pre-booked" (and the administrator receives a notification).
  3. Once the room reservation is approved by the administrator, the applicant will receive an e-mail confirming the reservation ("event acceptance" by the selected room).
    Note: if the applicant receives a notification that he/she is not eligible to reserve a room, he/she can ask P. Schlösinger nebo P. Čížková or a willing colleague-staff member to book the room.
  4. If the event concerns students, e.g. it is a credit/exam term, the applicant (=teacher) can assign the reserved room to his/her term in the web interface of the KOS system.
    Attention: the correct day and time must be entered in KOS!

Classrooms' KOS/Calendar Names in Břehová

The names of the rooms in the Břehová building always start with the text "FJFI-057". When entering a room name, just type part of the name and the whisperer should work.

Codes of the most used rooms in Břehová:

BR:009FJFI-057---n01----9-Počítačová učebna
BR:s156FJFI-057---p01-s156-Studovna II (Atrium)
BR:103FJFI-057---n02--103-Velká posluchárna
BR:111FJFI-057---n02--111-Zasedací místnost
BR:115FJFI-057---n02--115-Malá posluchárna

Classrooms' KOS/Calendar Names in Trojanova

The names of the rooms in the Trojanova building always start with the text "FJFI-056". When entering a room name, just type part of the name and the whisperer should work.

Codes of the most used rooms in Trojanova:

TR:101FJFI-056---n02--101-Dolní posluchárna
TR:105FJFI-056---n02--105-Počítačová učebna
TR:115FJFI-056---n02--115-Počítačová učebna
TR:201FJFI-056---n03--201-Horní posluchárna
TR:301FJFI-056---n04--301-Malá posluchárna